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How to build links leading to your site or blog and dominate on Google

3:05 AM
Without a doubt, one of the most applications received by are: writing an article on how to build external links or the inverse of the centers in order to improve the search engines. I rarely receive requests, and so on - simply - because people rarely know what they want until you give it to them, but this time it was a little different. The beginning I want to explain that I teach techniques Sioux SEO (Creating websites for search engines) since 5 years ago and you compete on the first page in Google for many keywords. The most competitive in the world (in Arabic and English), so I think I know a little about this subject, I can provide some points of view in this area. To Alaúk who do not understand why the adverse external links are important, let me explain to them that if I love someone that attracts visitors from major search engines, these links will be a critical factor for such an attraction. Reverse links to your blog or website on other sites are essentially voting for you in the search engines, as if to tell search engines "This site is reliable, and is considered a good source of information about the area Doe," which, of course, the area of ​​your site. Science Sioux SEO (Creating websites for search engines) are generally divided into two parts: the creation and the creation of an internal state. Internal configuration and are, in short, the changes that you make in your BB, which helps you get the good PR. In the subject that you typed - address the basics of Sioux (SEO): Creating websites and blogs for search engines - you add a lot of tips that can be applied in your website or blog. Today we'll look at some of the requirements by the configuration of Foreign Affairs, which specializes in building external links leading to your site or blog. 12 way to build links counterproductive for your website or blog Rather than tell you Do-do-this or that as some sites and books that explain how to build external links, I'm going a little of your participation principles, which I think it will be crucial for you in building the site attracts thousands of high quality reverse links. A few years ago you could rely on the automatic approach to SEO SEO, but the Internet today is completely different, it has become a very social Saaoukk use of these older technologies to increase the Rank of your site. Son of a site for people I do not know who said this sentence exactly, but my favorite sentence: "Search engines follow people." The objective of this follow the motto not only for building sites is characterized by honesty and legitimacy, but this is also an effective way to build links to your site counterproductive. Have you noticed how Wikipedia Wikipedia (free encyclopedia) dominate the results of every Google search? I do not believe, maybe 50% of the target sentences expected to be listed in the search, but the truth is that "Jimmy Wales" - the founder of Wikipedia - has built a site for people. It is the source of the information wants millions of people use it because it provides them with information needs, and for this reason, people are talking about a lot. There is also a lot of sentences tagged with competitiveness on the Internet, which also found through blogs, popular high, or forums, or specialized social networks, and found there in abundance. If you making something real to people they can stand it, you will find a lot of people care about what you've done, and can not be wrong then. Remember: When people talk about you on the Internet, follow the links .. 2 Benefit from guest blogger I talk a lot with my clients from the concept of "blogger guest" and that for good reason: that this method offers many benefits, not only because blogging overtime will bring you a lot of visitors from similar sites in the specialization topics your site, but also because it is a great way to bring lots of links reverse predisposing tagged sentences about you need to raise your ranking in search engines or ranked match. Issue here is very simple: when you write articles - free - to other sites, you'll be the owners of these sites are happy to develop a reverse link to your site in exchange for what you write of the content. 3 Be useful It's very nice to see some famous sites and are provided purpose and useful tools to its users free of charge. Facebook makes you keep your contact your family and friends constantly; Google looking to you for what you meant in the amount of awesome sites on the Internet; DA Digg)) provides you with news recommended by hundreds of people to watch them; YouTube offers educational value, entertainment, review some products and lots and lots ... These are some examples of known sites are great, but there are - already - the millions of other useful sites on the Internet. Code of world technology, for example, provide information useful and important technology and continuously. Ask yourself if your site helps people to meet a particular need or not. If the answer is "No" Vasmhali: Why should people have to pay attention to Bomrk and order your site? It does not need to be great, but everyone is now active on the Internet in any field, in general, he has to offer to others, so why not look inside you what you can offer to others? If you can give people what they want, you would execute them what you want. Discover 4 reverse links to your competitors When talking about the competitors you, I mean - simply - people who are trying to get a higher PR for the same words and phrases used by the Key. For example, our site, and after that we got the first page of words Muftahbh "Marketing Online" We "try" Now that we compete on the Rank of Keyword (e-marketing). To do so we try to quote what competitors do adults, but only through the application of a small number of these strategies, because we are sure that with time we will reach the first page. What is meant here, if you want access to rich sources of the links opposite, all you have to do is simply to look at the outposts in the search results on the same words that you want to compete with them, and that have a PR is high, and see where it comes from links reverse their own. Make a search for the link on the search engine Yahoo (because it shows inverse links is better than Google) to be able to know the reverse links used by any site to obtain this Rank, and thus can be used by you as well. Equation used in the Yahoo search engine for this information - the inverse of the links to any site - is as follows:

Link:pageURL –

Of course, change the code names of the sites in the former sites that take Rank high in the tagged sentences that compete with them.
Explore the links opposite to your competitors and see if there is a way you can get free on the same reverse links for your site, which Stvidk in raising the Rank of your site, and no doubt Stvidk in the long run.
5 Place the comment in other blogs
Most of the comments of blogs designed to not follow (and this means that the search engines will not consider these links will not be given its weight, but I think that Yahoo and Bing Bing still give weight to these links), so do not give a lot of links inverse useful well. There are of course codes that allow you to place a comment is followed by the search engines, which give thus to the link weight, but in many cases be considered a lot of comments irritating spam and only a few - of these sites - has to do with the subject of your site, and the specialty that write it.
I personally prefer the use of comment codes - which allows to link your site to comment - as a means not to make links directly counterproductive. For example, if you talk to a senior bloggers in the space of the Internet and asked him to do the reverse has a link to another article written by the comment, most likely he would not agree. But if you integrate into the site and interacted with the content and provided valuable comments, and then asked him to such a request, it is highly unlikely to approve it (and, of course, in the event that the theme of his position is similar to the theme of your site and have a weight).
In short, your comments in the blogs also bring you a lot of visitors, followed by the search engines, in accordance with the principle that we talked about earlier, "that the search engines follow people."
6 Type premium content
Almmz content without doubt is one of the most important ways to build a list of links to reverse your blog or website. For example Tduente got the last - and 21 address a way to bring thousands of visitors to your blog (using the latest technologies) - the number of links reverse during the first hours of their publication.
Of course, the number of links that you get the premium content is likely to decrease with time, but does not stop at all, for example, Tduente for Sioux still get the links so far, despite having released by nearly two months, so as to distinguish the topic I'm talking about.
Content of the "distinct" means a lot of different things to different people. In my example, it may be premium content How to write a mean blog entries distinct and marketed, and at the site may mean a comic image comic, and may be on your site is an announcement for a new product is owned by no one else .. And so on. Therefore, select the appropriate content for specific audiences segment of people.
If you know the slide that you write them well, you will have the ability to write premium content that attracts the attention of this segment, and brings you so many visitors.
For more information see our Blog wherein a series of articles about the "Featured Content writing."
7 Join the social networking sites
I must be honest with myself .. I do not like this way of bringing visitors, but I can not deny that in My social sites have helped me a lot to put a lot of links that helped me in the reverse order of lifting my sites. Social sites for the deployment of links such as site Delicious give people - simply and without pay - the ability to store the important connections they have in the archive organizer, which is much better than the reference tool in your gadgets bar (bookmark bar) in your browser.
These sites are characterized in that it is available to you for use from any computer anywhere in the world, so these sites have emerged strongly in recent times due to its importance to the severe public Internet. Many of these sites offer feature tracking DoFollow Topics distinctive and help you make a lot of anchor text the predisposing, although it is not the best links that can reverse to pick up and reliable.
You can run this process automatically by relying on a program like Bookmarking Demon, or even services you can hire someone to do such a task you are handy for little money.
In order to benefit from this trick more ethical manner, simply subscribe to a couple of sites that you want to really use it to record your favorite links on the Internet in general, and of course do not forget to include a link to your site as well.
8 Put your blog or website link in your signature in forums that share the
Unlike some blogs that do not allow you to link your site in your comment - for the purpose of dissemination of external links to your site - many of us index the contrary, allows you to link an active can be followed and can be read by search engines in your signature your participation, so When you type any new topic on the forum, or until you comment on any topic publication, is a link of your site in every comment. And it, if you are already common in such communities on the Internet, try to modify your subscription and put your website link in signature.
I do not recommend of course that engaged in a lot of forums for you to collect as much of the links opposite to your site, but there are some few places of interest to you actually be willing to share them and participate effectively in themes, so you to link adverse natural and logical for your site.

He also noted that if you have 10.000 post in a forums and you add your site link to your comment, although you've got over 10,000 reverse link to your site naturally, but that the strength of these links are very limited because they are from a single location. It would be much better to get many links from the inverse Domains / different ranges, that you get a lot of links from one forum only.
9 cooperation with influential
Some of the most popular English articles on the Internet are those in which the cooperation with influential people - the well-known and famous in the area you are talking about the article. But unfortunately we do not see a lot of this kind of articles in the Arab world.
However, I believe that if your idea unique and interesting, you'll find that there are a lot of people who Saharkounk them, and they are very happy when taking these subjects through networks of social favorite, and Serbtoha in their diaries for sure.
10 hosting an important figure
Similarity with the previous idea, do an interview with one of the important figures that have a high popularity in the domain that you write it. There are two ways to bring about reverse links using this method:
The first way is to host people who wish to do counter-productive to link to this interview on their personal information. The second method is to benefit from a list of the persons involved have - if you have difficulty connecting to the most popular characters - and to contact someone less popular and somewhat job interview with him so that the answers to your questions.
If you can manage a personal interview with any well, I'm sure that they are going to link reverse spontaneously and in their websites and blogs.
11 Make your site unique in its shape, beautiful in its design
There are a lot of ways, tools and techniques that enable you to get a unique shape is beautiful. In Marketing Online, for example, we offer professional design services to many customers, using WordPress and Joomla and Drupal.
Once you have a beautiful site in the form somewhere on the Internet, you will have thousands of opportunities - honestly - to get the links opposite. How?. The answer is: There are a lot of sites, blogs and forums that Arabic is reviewing the most beautiful professional websites and blogs.
Not only this, but many of these sites have a strong influence with Google, so it is a good opportunity, but you do not have to choose a designer or an appropriate and reliable company to design your site.
12, provide rich sources of
Can you write a book free e meets a specific need in a certain segment of people? Answer a specific question for example, or the like? What do you think for example in the title as "101 ways to do such and such"? Or What do you think for example in the work of a list of sites that offer help and advice in a particular subject and displayed in your blog? Think of something that your readers know that they want, but it takes you to a lot of time and effort for processing and publication - and your readers know it - to be of special recognition.
For example, in Online Marketing, we provide free e-book on "the basics of e-marketing." Create a source of any such links and will come without doubt.
For more information read: Increase the number of readers and subscribers by providing free e-books
What you do not have to do
Now that we've covered some of my favorite ways to build links to your site counterproductive, Samer quickly on some of the points that you should not do in this regard. While search engines reward sites that generally have a lot of links and reverse the order given by a high, there are also some sites that do not like search engines, and for good reasons.
Remember: search engines want to show the best results to its users in order to keep them permanently. If you are trying to manipulate them in any way, to get the reverse links to your site, he does not deserve Rank / order in which search engines give it to him in sentences / words of a particular tag, will not be soon before long that the search engines Btrdek of their results.
There are some things that you should pay attention to her:
■ links reverse very quickly: links reverse rapidly is something abnormal, it is not logical for example, that you publish an article, then you get hundreds of links opposite to him in one night, and this of course will not lead you to the punishment, but pay attention and you build a lot reverse links of a whole, you must be careful. I am not a search engine, so it will not be able to give you a real number and realistic to the number of links that you should not skip a day, but if you think of yourself once you skip the limit of the establishment of links reverse in one day, it is likely to be on the right.
■ use of sources disturbing: Not all links are created by the inverse of equal value. Will be a great feature for my site if you have access to, for example reverse link on the home page of the site such as the "island" that's better than getting 100 link from other sites or even from the "farm" for the establishment of an electronic reverse links. But, of course you can not control the links pointing to your site, so you should be careful, it might be after your site is not eligible to receive so many visitors, who may send you to "island."
■ participate in the exchange of links: If you want to add any site to the list of blogs that interest to the pages or sources that you use, Add them, but not only because these codes by adding the reverse link for you. Exchange links worked well two years ago, but now he is older technology, search engines and have a good conscious. You can overcome this obstacle to link to your site to the opposite one of the sites, and you are to link to it in reverse contrast, but in another location of your sites created by and not in the same location, which linked him your friend.
■ make links counter about one sentence: You may have inter tag certain you want to take a specific order of search engines, and the best way to do this is to build links counterproductive with Anchor Text of the same sentence, but make links reverse this sentence just always considered something that is very natural. Do not worry, there are a lot of useful links to raise your ranking in general and the preservation of your Rank, so do not fear that you get links to reverse sentences are different, even if these sentences are the domain of your writes http://www.yoursitename. com.
I have this I'm done, but perhaps you are not over yet. Of course, there is a limitation on the Internet can best ways to build links once and reverse, if you have any other way to build external links to your site or blog and works well, I'll be happy you hearers in the comments below.

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