The World Wide Web has evolved into a more interactive and social oriented environment that even websites are integrating social relationships with business and marketing purposes. A lot of people are in the micro-blogging sensation Twitter that has developed and begun that even internet marketers and other online businessmen and-women starting to use this service as a marketing tool to Web traffic and total sales of their products and services. But how does one really make money with twitter, a website that allows you to post anything and everything about you or what's around you in only 140 characters and 1-3 sentences?
It's pretty simple, really. Twitter is first and foremost, a social networking website that allows you to make friends and relationships through after each other "tweets" or updates to build. These updates are displayed, give you an idea of what your friends and the world is up to. Internet marketers use the factor of the relationship as a benefit of their online businesses. By setting up an account in Twitter, making friends and building relationships, they are slowly but surely to ensure that their Twitter pals can trust and on them good enough confidence to be potential customers. This is how they earn money with twitter and it's been going on since the Twitter hype began.
If you're an online marketer and want to know how to make money with twitter, here are some useful tips to try:
o make sure that once you are done with creating a Twitter account, you start by placing random updates about yourself or have any interest at all. This can you give people an idea of who you as a person and not as an internet marketer are alone.
o you can start after people in Twitter once you're used to the site and its features. You can follow your friends and family Twitter updates, and then searching for members who may have the same interests as you. You can also search for people who may be looking for products and services that you are currently selling.
o probably the people you follow will begin after your Twitter updates as well. Once the number of followers begin to grow, it is important that you keep them interested and keep updating every day "after constantly".
o the contents of your updates is what keeps your followers interested in you, so try to add spice to your tweets by posting interesting articles, videos, and even photos from Flickr ( that you think are obvious to them.
o Finally, once you have established stable and friendly relations with your followers, that's the time that you begin to seep into content related to your website. You can start by sharing your online business of your followers (especially close ones) by placing a link to your updates. Start by talking about the products and services you promote to, as well as other interesting details about it.
With this you should be able to do what I call "Twitter Marketing". This is your first step in overcoming the question "How do I Twitter effectively?"
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